Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hi everyone. sorry its been a while since i blogged. :)   A lot has happened since we last talked.
My wife Melissa surprised me with a trip to Maui, Hawaii for 9 days as a birthday/honey moon vacation. We have been married now for four years but had not had a honey moon. So, she took some money from cashing in on her 401k after quiting her job to do this.  I know, some of you are thinking what on earth would you pull out from your 401k? well, lots of reasons, but ultimately, money does and will never run my life. Faith in the Lord Jesus does!  
We were blessed to have our beloved friend SueEllen watch our kids while we were gone, with the help of Ryan, Laura, Brandon, and Savannah. The 9 days felt like forever away from the kids. But, it was a long over due time alone with my beautiful wife, and i enjoyed having her to myself. lol 
we stayed in a nice small 250 sqft studio. Fully decorated with beach Hawaiian flavor. it was cozy and cute. The owners were nice, Christian couple, full of helpful hints and tips to give to make our stay for hospitable. They also landed us boggy boards and snorkeling gears to use at the beach. 
big beach
Most of our stay was going to different beaches in order to find the best.  :)  We settled on Big Beach. located south west of the island of Maui.  The sand was a perfect gold color with a softness I can't describe. Lets just say that when you rub it all over your hands, it feels like ex-foliating your hands. Loved it.  The water was lite, clear and a beautiful 70 degrees. Just like the pictures you see online.

When we started have sun burns we decided to put a day between going to the beach and site seeing around the island.  We went to see the 10,000 ft tall volcano. it took us 2hrs to drive to the top, then we hiked 2hrs into the crater of the volcano. The temp up there was 30degrees colder then the ocean surface. 
We had a great amazing view of the clouds and landscape as we drove up past the clouds. 

volcano summit

We had a night where we were on a diner cruise, and had drinks, steaks and amazing cheese cake, while enjoying an amazing view of the island from the sea.

We ate at ocean side restaurants, and local dive sushi bars. we had a native lady rip us off by selling us some over priced fruits, and jewelry on the road side to the beach.  but we did enjoy the best tasting pineapple ever!  And the coconuts were something else.
diner cruise
We did the drive to Hana. The side of the island where you drive 3hrs on a winy 625 hair pin turns road through the rain forest, and you get to see many natural water falls, pools of water, and views of the ocean. 

We went snorkeling one afternoon, by Black Rock Sheraton Hotel, at Kaanapoli beach.  We say beautiful colorful fish, and a sting raw swam right across my face, freaking me out, and I swam as fast a possible to the shore. lol

We did karaoke one night. Melissa sang me a love song while I sang her one as well. she sang, "Your still the one" by Shania Twain.  I sang her, "Bless the broken road" by Rascal Flats. It was amazing, we wooed the crowd. lol. 
Over all the trip was fun, relaxed, and romantic. 
We even got to minister to a couple homeless men. 

We got home to a couple of sick kids with a cold. It was upsetting to see them sick. Its been like four days now, and they are still getting over it. arrrr!
We've had an amazing thanksgiving day. Got invited to Rose's house. She is a sweep lady with a nice heart. She gave us two 10lbs turkeys and potatoes to cook. it was nice.  
Today was Black Friday. My wife went shopping at 3:30 am. then slept all day, and I went to buy tools at home depot with the kids.
Then we went to the mall for our weekly meetings. I prayed for a bunch of people, but one in particular, a young guy with his father, was healed instantly of knee injury and left holding up his crutches. Praise God. 

Well thats it for now. Love you all. Bless ya
Have an amazing holiday break. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Fresh Look at Maturity as Sons

How did a simple, different, and uneducated man like me get plugged in with a group of young and on Fire men and women in San Jose, California? A location known as, Silicon Valley, a place known for computer, the web, and nerds :-)  These guys are so passionate about the word of God, and setting this place on fire! One of the leaders in the group has a vision of getting these big computer web companies like Google and stuff to catch wind of the Gospel and it will spread like wild fire all over the world.

So again, what the heck am I doing here? Computers are not my thing, up to this point. I have met some amazing people. I have prayed for more people here in 4 weeks then I ever have in all five years of being a Christian, and I'm ashamed to say so. Coming here, seeing what these guys are doing, and letting myself be a part of this move of the body of Christ, has really set a fire under my butt!

I've often dreamed of living in Africa, Mexico or somewhere urban where people really need a touch from God, in a supernatural way...a land filled with clear demonic life styles, where diseases are rampant. A place where I would feel like a hero to the people. David Hogan is a clear picture of something I would love to do. However, as I am maturing in Christ, I've begun to see and acknowledge that this gospel of the kingdom, is not some game, or fantasy.  These are real men, women, and children dieing everyday because I have not humbled myself enough to see past my own wants and needs.

The kingdom of God will and has to advance into peoples lives, or they die. John 10:10 tells us so.
We need to begin to see clearly with our eyes and hearts at the "real" word of God, which is Jesus.(John 1:1-6)
The Kingdom is a real place in the spirit, just like earth. We become law abiding citizens of the Kingdom of God, here and now on earth, when we become children of God, through the blood of Jesus. We repent and turn to Jesus, and pledge to follow his laws and not our own.  It's His kingdom, not ours. We were bought with His blood into this relationship with God, through adoption, as sons. Therefore, we must be good and faithful sons. We advance the kingdom of God in us, when we take over territories in peoples mindsets with the Gospel. People advance the kingdom through their lives. We are kings. We should conquer our lands and subdue it accordingly. Gen. 1:28

I found out lately that we are children of God and not yet sons. In the Hebrew tradition, a boy was not yet labeled a son by his father, but a servant, until the boy was mature enough to know and care for the affairs of his father...being entrusted with tasks, and works. Then, and only then, would the father officialy "adopt" him as a son. Very interesting indeed.

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, [even] to them that believe on His name: John 1:12
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Romans 8:14
Now I say, [That] the heir, as long as he is a child, differs nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all. Galatians 4:1
but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Romans 8:15

So, I propose to you all that when you are born again, you technically are a son, but a child only able to drink the milk of the word, and not any meat. (John4:34)
As you mature in Christ, and you begin to get responsible to handle the affairs of you Father's kingdom, you will Do the will of your father, and His desires will become your desires. You will know the heart of your father, and you will become like Him.

Oh, friends how I long to grow up faster, so I too can partake in this wonderful work that God is doing already.
The question I hear alot from fathers all over, is "Well, what does doing the will of God look like for a husband, and father of 'x' # of kids?" " How can I fit ministry into my life with my job and all the responsibilities I have?"  My response would have to be, not how to fit the kingdom into "your life", but die to yourself and make your life fit into the Kingdom. Whatever sacrifices you have to make.

Jesus said in Matt 14:44-36. "The kingdom is like a man who sold everything to buy a field when he knew there was treasure in the field...and also a pearl of great price."
You see, it's not about us fitting the kingdom into our lives but ours into the kingdom.

Hope this will help anyone thats been asking God these questions.

I love you guys and I'm praying that all your questions and needs be met in Christ, speedily.

Glory and Freedom